
If you click on the title of the video, you will be directed to the Glass Expansion YouTube page where you will have the option of viewing the video in full screen (or "theater mode"). Or you may click on the Play button (►) to view the video directly at the current size.

Glass Expansion Product Line for TOF-ICP-MS Mass Cytometers

Glass Expansion IsoMist XR Programmable Temperature Spray Chamber

Glass Expansion ICP Nebulizer Line

Assembling your Glass Expansion ICP Nebulizer and Spray Chamber

Improve the Productivity and Precision of your ICP Laboratory

ICP Nebulizer maintenance made easy

Enhanced Oil Analysis by ICP-OES

Assist-CM Syringe Driven Sample Introduction

D-Torch Demountable Torch

Helix Spray Chamber and Nebulizer Assembly

Niagara Plus-CM

Spectroscopy: How to Improve ICP Performance and Operation

Click here for a PDF of this video presentation

The president of Glass Expansion, spoke with Spectroscopy about recent advances in sample introduction systems that enable users to meet ever-tighter analytical specifications.